
作者: 时间:2023-08-28 点击数:

“见贤思齐”,汉语成语,意思是遇见有德才的人,就要想着努力向他看齐。可以翻译为“When seeing a person of high caliber, strive to be his equal.”


子曰:“见贤思齐焉,见不贤而内自省也。” (《论语·里仁》)
Confucius said, “When you see a person of virtue and capability, you should think of emulating and equaling the person; when you see a person of low caliber, you should reflect on your own weak points.” (The Analects)

Editor: Jade
来源:《中华思想文化术语(历史 哲学 文艺)》



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