每日一词|中国游 China Travel

作者: 时间:2024-10-14 点击数:


According to data released by multiple tourism platforms, during the National Day holiday, the number of travel orders by foreign tourists to China grew by around 60 percent year-on-year, and many Chinese cities have become popular destinations. A Chinese foreign ministry spokesperson on October 8, 2024 said the "China Travel" boom showcases China's appeal and openness.



2024年以来,中国相继对多国试行单方面免签政策,并与部分国家实行互免签证政策,特别是国家移民管理局推出了扩大144小时过境免签政策、调整放宽口岸签证申办条件等一系列便利外国人来华政策措施。越来越多外国游客来到中国,“China Travel(中国游)”一词在海外社交媒体走红。


旅游是现代服务业的重要组成部分,涉及吃、住、行、游、购、娱等方方面面,“China Travel”爆火,带动了相关产业链的就业。入境旅游的蓬勃兴起,不仅凸显了中国旅游市场强大的吸引力和中国不断提升的国际影响力,还通过引入丰富的国际客源,有效激发了国内市场的消费活力。同时,入境游作为一种文化交流的桥梁,有助于外国游客深入了解中国,增进各国人民间的友好情谊。



Since China's reform and opening-up, especially since the 18th CPC National Congress in 2012, the country's tourism sector has entered a fast lane of development. China has become the biggest domestic tourism market in the world, the largest source of international tourists, and a main destination for international travelers. The country's tourism has developed from a small and weak sector into a big and strong industry. It has increasingly become an emerging strategic pillar industry, which has contributed to the people's wellbeing and their sense of happiness. China has successfully blazed a path of tourism development with distinct characteristics.




cultural and tourism consumption


mutual visa exemption




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